布拉德·卡普兰 arrived at Metropolitan State University of 丹佛 broke and disheartened after his initial college experience as a nameless face packed into overflowing lecture halls. But on the first day of classes, 1982 Accounting graduate knew he’d chosen well.

“My professors were always there to make sure I was on the right path,” said Kaplan.

To ensure future 密歇根州立大学丹佛 students have access to the same transformational opportunities, Kaplan and his wife Judy established the Brad & Judy Kaplan Scholarship; the endowed fund is the largest planned gift from an alum in the University’s history.

Upon their passing, funds will be distributed annually to the 商学院, 女子垒球项目 and the President’s Innovation Fund, in perpetuity, through a donor-advised fund. A 来说, lets donors contribute to one larger, invested fund; the returns generated are disbursed to charitable organizations as determined by the donor. Kaplan says a 来说, offered them the flexibility to give how they wanted to support their passions, 其中之一就是教育.

“Education has always been important to me,” said Kaplan. “In addition to academic studies, college teaches people how to work with others and think critically.”

超出计划的礼物, Kaplan says it’s important to him and Judy to stay involved at the University – not just write a check and walk away. And with Brad as the treasurer of the 校友 Association Board, chair of the 商学院 Advisory Board and a student mentor and lecturer, and both as frequent donors and lovers of women’s softball,y are always doing something to make a difference in the lives of 密歇根州立大学丹佛 students.

安妮·范·韦津加, women’s head softball coach at 密歇根州立大学丹佛, says the Kaplans’ financial support has positively affected student-athletes on and off the field, but the most impactful contribution has been their presence and time. “They are often in the homestands cheering on our players, and Brad makes himself available for mentoring – nothing is more valuable than the time Brad and Judy are willing to share with us.”

Left speechless by the generosity of the Kaplans’ planned gift, Van Wetzinga says it will be transformational for Roadrunners across campus and “serve as an example and path for alums who want to make a similar impact at 密歇根州立大学丹佛.”

安·墨菲博士.D., dean of 密歇根州立大学丹佛’s 商学院 and the person responsible for encouraging Kaplan to return to the nest in the 1990s as a member of the 商学院 Dean Advisory Council, is also grateful for their ongoing support.

“Brad has been an amazing alum, involved in alumni activities and helping build our 商学院 校友 Mentoring program,墨菲说。. “This incredible gift from Brad and Judy will provide direct, ongoing support for scholarships, mentoring programs and other student-engagement activities, leaving a legacy at 密歇根州立大学丹佛.”

Kaplan says he had nothing when he and Judy got married three months before graduating – not even a job. He credits the life he’s had to the education he received, and they are thrilled to make a difference in 密歇根州立大学丹佛 programs and students’ lives for years to come.

“We want to help as many students as possible – it’s wonderful we could put something together for future Roadrunners.”